Moby Dick has always been one of my favorite stories, despite how difficult it is to read. This 2-color screen print (from an addition of 20, plus an artist proof and several imperfect pulls) is truly limited, as my screen was destroyed during cleaning after the final printing session. This marks my first serious foray into screen printing after collecting all of the supplies necessary, and while I had quite a few prints that were destined for the garbage, enough came out really well that I can safely call this project a success. Look for more screen prints from me in the future!

The Artist's Proof, the most perfect print from the run. In addition to this, there are a limited edition of 20 available for sale, as well as imperfect pulls and working proofs with huge mistakes.

The final digital image, which I used to separate the colors for exposure before printing.

An image of the (giant!) screen, with both black and blue images side by side.

The first color is printed. I thought that there would be a bit of play where the blue and the black overlapped because my black ink was much thinner than the blue, but I was mistaken. I could have saved a lot of blue ink by not printing under the black of the lower water and the image would have been easier to align, to boot.

Finished prints, drying before packing. Overall, I had a lot of good prints out of this group but it is clear that my technique needs improvement, if only to squeeze more sellable prints out of the next project. Overall though, this was an excellent learning experience.

A process .gif showing my first forays into the layout, to the final digital design.